
A selection of books, catalogs, and assorted publications where my work has appeared over the years.

Click on images for lightbox view.

Asian Pacific American Heritage
Month Cultural Guide 2021

Presented by the City of Los Angeles Department of
Cultural Affairs

View the whole guide HERE

Diaspora Arirang

Exhibition catalog, 2021
View the whole catalog HERE
Read more about the show HERE

Asian Pacific American Heritage
Month Cultural Guide 2020

Presented by the City of Los Angeles Department of
Cultural Affairs

View the whole guide HERE

Art Fundamentals Tenth Edition:
Theory & Practice

McGraw Hill Higher Education book, 2005

Art Fundamentals Ninth Edition:
Theory & Practice

McGraw Hill Higher Education book, 2001

Fractal Design 1996 Calendar

artware Kunst und Elektronik

Exhibition catalog
Germany, 1990

World Graphic Design Now 6

Japan, 1989

Design Journal

Korea, 1989