Nature Center Banner

In 1999 a group of us were invited to make banners celebrating nature and the planet for the 30th anniversary of the El Dorado Nature […]

Tranformative Visions

My pieces Strata #11 and Strata #12 were included in in “Transformative Visions” as part of Long Beach Arts Month, October 2012.

Californians show pic

Californians in Daegu, Korea

Strata #11: Enlaces #4 and Strata #16: Enlaces #4 as shown in “Californians” exhibition at the CU Gallery in Daegu, Korea, May 2012.

Strata #16

Chain Letter

My wall sculpture Strata #16 was included in the “Chain Letter” exhibition at Shoshana Wayne Gallery, Bergamot Station, Santa Monica, CA, August 2011. Hundreds of […]