Artist Statement

My art is a continuing exploration of structure through abstracted space and form; expressing the essence of ideas, places and things through abstraction. I am interested in how structure can define form; how form can define space. I am also interested in the manipulation of visual elements through systematic processes and utilizing computer technology to extend and enhance the visual complexities within the works I create.

I believe the computer as an artist’s tool expands the imagination and extends the possibilities of what can be achieved in artistic expression. I strive to create art work that utilizes the computer’s strengths without loosing the human touch.


I became interested in computers in 1981 and began programming (coding) my own still and animated graphics; first on early Apple and HP personal computers, later on an Atari 1200XL computer. In the early 1990’s I purchased my first Macintosh computer and began using paint programs to create digital paintings. I now use both “off the shelf” – primarily Adobe Photoshop – and my own proprietary software in my art making processes. The completed works take the form of mixed media combinations of computer imagery with traditional art media, and digital works created entirely on the computer.

In the Art Gallery (menu at the left) you will find a variety of work – present and past – Enjoy!

I actively seek art sales, commissions and exhibition opportunities.
Please email for more information.